Oxix Coatings

OxiX is an innovative, bio-friendly, rust and oxidation barrier that preserves and protects all metals and a lot more. It can be used as a stand alone sealer or as a primer that can be painted over with excellent adhesion. OxiX dries within minutes providing you with a durable moisture and oxidation barrier on your surfaces that will last for years.  OxiX can be applied over rusted or oxidized surfaces to prevent further corrosion. Even if the coating is penetrated OxiX will stop the acceleration of corrosion creep back.

OxiX is crystal clear for coating aluminum, galvanized coatings, and other surfaces. It can also be tinted to colors when used as a paint primer and or top coat.

OxiX has been specifically engineered to be one of the safest products on the market today. OxiX contains zero VOC's, zero metals, zero toxins, and zero hazardous waste. It is water-reducible, so solvent mixing and clean up has now become a thing of the past. There are no special disposal requirements and cleanup is as simple as washing with soap and water.

OxiX will also reduce your hazardous waste output. As a water based product, OxiX will do away with hazardous paint primers and the solvents used with their applications.

Oxix has been tested by an outside laboratory (Assured Testing Services) The test being performed is SAE J2721 Paragraph 10.2 (We are doing the combination of road salts dip procedure) This is the most accurate and aggressive testing known for testing corrosion. It is also the test to pass for the entire commercial transportation industry.

Please see pictures from the laboratory showing test results below:

Testing completed by outside accredited labortory:
Assured Testing Services
Accredited to ISO 17025, NADCAP, and AAMA

SAE J2721 Testing: Every test cycle is 24 hours and every 8 cycles is equal to 1 year in harsh road salt conditions in a far northern climate.

Panel A (On Left) is unprotected by Oxix and painted with top quality paint. Panel B (On Right) was primed with OxiX and top coated with the same top coat as panel A. After 80 cycles (Equal to 10 years of road salt environment) in the SAE J2721 testing procedure, Oxix is protecting (panel B) from red rust blossoming and stopping creep back on the scored cut into the steel.

Bare Aluminum Panels: AL-3 has been protected by OxiX and AL-0 has not been protected

16 cycles in SAE J2721 testing: AL-0 starts to show white corrosion and some salt pitting.
Al-3 still looks like new.

60 cycles in SAE J2721 testing: AL-0 shows much more white corrosion and is severely pitting.
AL-3 still looks new and is extending the aluminum's condition by years
in atmospheric salt and road salt conditions

Galvanized Steel Panels: G-0  is unprotected galvanized steel and G-3 is protected by OxiX.

16 cycles in SAE J2721 testing: G-0 starts to show loss of galvanizing
G-3 still look new (Stops salts from corroding the coating) 

60 cycles in SAE J2721 testing:G-0 shows extreme loss of galvanizing
G-3 still looks new and is extending the coatings condition by years
in atmospheric salt and road salt conditions

Product News

One of the worlds largest semi-trailer manufacturers incorporates OxiX into their operations. After extensive in-house SAE J2721 testing, OxiX has proven to protect their aluminum panels, rivets, and rails from harsh northern road salts. An operation has begun on all repaired warranty trailers. OxiX will be used to coat all these trailers to prevent any future corrosion issues. After wetting their feet with warranty work, they are expected to coat all new production semi-trailers with OxiX.

"Why not prevent the corrosion warranty work from the beginning and remove the high cost of doing it."

OxiX Testimonial from Featherlite Trailer Manufacturers

Featherlite has started using OxiX primer as it is an excellent corrosion inhibitor and it has no VOC’s which reduces our environmental footprint.  Featherlite has found the primer to be very durable and very effective for eliminating corrosion even against the new calcium chloride salt brine and other solutions some states are placing on roads for snow/ice removal.

Kevin Weinacht,
Sr. Design Engr. 

OxiX Adhesion Test

Featherlite performs periodic adhesion testing on OxiX primer and other coated surfaces.  Paint adhesion testing is often used to determine if the paint or coating will adhere properly to the substrates to which they are applied.  Adhesion Testing provides valuable information about the overall bond strength and performance of a coating.

Featherlite uses the ASTM D 3359-02 Cross-Cut Test method when testing coating adhesion.  This test consists of a right angle lattice pattern or X-cut (contingent on paint thickness) and is the standard used to measure the resistance of paints and coatings to separation from substrates. The pattern is cut into the coating and penetrates through to the substrate.  A pressure sensitive tape is applied to the sample and pulled off.  

Featherlite has tested several samples of steel and aluminum that were coated with OxiX primer.  Some samples were contaminated with grease and oils, some were uncontaminated.  The metal substrates were cleaned, prepped and coated with OxiX.  In almost every application the test received a 5B classification on a B scale.  The B scale classification ranges from 0B which has greater than 65% material release to 5B which has 0% material release.

When Featherlite performed Cross-Cut testing on metal substrates with OxiX primer covered with a paint top coat, the tests came back equally as impressive. The tests received 5B and 4B classification ratings.  I don’t think you can ask for more than that in a coating”

George Willis
6 Sigma Black Belt
Quality Manager

Please contact us for more information and free product samples:

Streak Master, Inc.
Contact: Greg Waltrip


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